Malcolm F.:
Великолепно xDПишет
не валяй дурака, Ваймс:
I ship itВся суть шипперства в одной песне
A horrible thing that we started doing now
When you see two characters that super don't go together, we go
Ohhhh I totally ship it!
I got this feeling at like three am while watching Netflix.
I drew some porny fanart and I wrote some smutty fanfic.
Can't help it, I just think that they would make such a good pair,
In canon they have never met—
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
I know that they are siblings but I think there's something more
If she weren't dating that guy, they'd be banging, I am sure.
The third scene in episode four, come on, look at him stare.
Twincest can't really be that bad—
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space
Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate.
Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks.
This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!
I ship it!
I ship it!
They keep on saying they're not gay, but yeah I really doubt that,
This can't just be a bromance, who would write a show about that?
I think the subtext in the second season's pretty clear,
Don't tell me I need to calm down—
I don't care, I ship it.
I don't care, I ship it, I ship it.
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space
Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate.
Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks.
This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!
I don't care, I ship it.
I don't care, I ship it, I ship it.
I don't care, I ship it.
I don't care, I ship it, I ship it.
I don't care.
I ship it. URL записи URL записи URL записи
Мои ОТП всем ОТП ОТП,
режиссерская хлопушка